
Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

Which ways are used to keep track of free block in disk space management?
A. A linked list method
B. A bitmap method
C. Both linked list method and bitmap method
D. None of the other choices

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

Which of the following statements about segmentation is false?
A. There are several linear address spaces
B. The total address space can be more than the size of physical memory
C. Sharing of procedures between different users can be facilitated
D. None of the other choices

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

Which of the following synchronization mechanisms does not rely on busy-waiting?
A. Lock variables
B. Strict alternation
C. Peterson’s algorithm
D. Semaphores

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

In terms of disk storage efficiency, the method of “Backing up pages dynamically” in comparison with the
method of “Paging to a static swap area” is
A. Better
B. Worse
C. Equal
D. Nearly equal

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

A disk sector consists of:
A. Preamble, Data, and ECC
B. Header, Data, and ECC
C. Preamble, Data, and tail
D. Header, Data, and CRC

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

Each device attached to your computer comes with a special program called a
communication between the device and the OS.
A. device configurator
B. translator
C. device driver
D. communication utility
that facilitates the

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

What is the weakness of the Banker’s algorithm?
A. Allowing the population of processes to vary over time
B. Enabling processes to hold their resources indefinitely
C. Requiring that processes state their maximum needs in advance
D. Enabling the number of resources to fluctuate

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

The RAID level
uses strip-for-strip parity for error detection
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 and 5

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

Assuming that it takes 10 nsec to copy a byte, how much time does it take to completely rewrite the screen of
a 1200 x 800 pixel graphics with 24-bit color?
A. 28.8 msec
B. 288 micro-sec
C. 288 msec
D. 28.8 micro-sec

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

Which conditions of mutual exclusion does the Lock Variables (Software proposal) violate?
A. No two processes simultaneously in critical region
B. No assumptions made about speeds or numbers of CPUs
C. No process running outside its critical region may block another process
D. No process must wait forever to enter its critical region

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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Câu hỏi:

Dịch từ hình

(Choose 1 answer)

A table in main memory storing linked list of allocation of disk blocks is called:
A. Disk allocation table
B. Linked list table
C. File list table
D. File allocation table

Đáp án:

  • Option A:
  • Option B:
  • Option C:
  • Option D:
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