

Tổng hợp câu hỏi cho đề ENM401_SU24_WRE_998494 của Môn ENM401.

  • Exam code: ENM401_SU24_WRE_998494
  • Mã môn: ENM401
  • Ca thi: 14:00 29/07/2024
  • Tổng số câu hỏi: 01
  • Thời gian thi: 40p

Hashtags: Đề thi mới ENM401

Attached files:

Question No: 01

Câu hỏi:

Gợi ý làm bài:

Outline for Email to Managing Director

Subject: Addressing Post-Takeover Challenges in Our Department

1. Introduction:

  • Brief greeting and introduction.
  • Mention the recent takeover and restructuring of the department.

2. Situation Before the Takeover:

  • Describe the structure and functioning of the department prior to the takeover.
  • Highlight key achievements and smooth operations.

3. Problems Arisen Post-Takeover:

  • Explain the specific problems that have emerged since the takeover.
    • Example: Communication breakdowns, workflow disruptions, decreased morale.
  • Provide reasons for these problems.
    • Example: Changes in management style, unclear directives, lack of resources.

4. Suggested Solutions:

  • Propose practical solutions to address the issues.
    • Example: Regular meetings for better communication, clear directives from new management, additional training for staff.

5. Potential Consequences if Problems Persist:

  • Warn of potential negative outcomes if the problems are not resolved.
    • Example: Decreased productivity, higher employee turnover, failure to meet business goals.

6. Conclusion:

  • Express hope for a prompt resolution.
  • Offer to discuss further or provide additional information.
  • Polite closing and sign-off.
    Hashtags: Đề thi mới ENM401
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